How to read a cash flow statement

Knowing how to read and interpret a cash flow statement may help you extract valuable information about a company’s financial health, whether you’re a working professional, business owner, entrepreneur, or investor. Is your cash balance higher or lower than it was a year ago? What caused it to rise in the first place, and why […]
Cannabis Licenses and Due Process Protection

Cannabis Licenses and Due Process Protection A cannabis license is a legal document that allows the licensee to engage in business in the legal cannabis industry of the state for which the license was granted. Nowadays, such licenses are a highly valued commodity, with application fees costing tens of thousands of dollars, and in some […]
What are valuation caps?

A valuation cap is a term of a convertible note or a SAFE. It is also a great way to attract investors to any startup, providing them with an incentive to invest. Starting a successful financing round for your business will expose you to a slew of new terms. It is essential that you grasp […]
How to add a new member to an LLC

Generally speaking, to add a new member to any LLC, you must first follow the operating agreement (“OA”) or the state law regarding LLCs. Though there are some additional things to take into consideration before adding a new a new business partner to your multi-member LLC. Most OAs lay out how to add a new […]
Subscription Agreements

A subscription agreement is an investor’s request to become a member of a limited partnership (LP). It also serves as a two-way warranty between a corporation and a new shareholder (subscriber). The company intends to sell a specific number of shares at a fixed price in exchange for the subscriber’s promise to buy the shares at […]
Michigan Cannabis Lawyer | Marijuana Business Attorneys in MI

Michigan Cannabis Business Law Firm If you’re looking for answers to your cannabis law questions, search for experienced and knowledgeable marijuana lawyers across the state of Michigan. You can find marijuana law services for Michigan’s cannabis industry righter heat at Collateral Base Business Lawyers. We have over 20 years of experience in business law and […]
Board Member Agreements & How to Control Corporate Owners

Board Member Agreements & How to control Corporate Owners In the Cannabis Industry, having the right partners is essential. In practice, a lot of times you will be looking at a “49/51 deal” in which one of the partners has a 51 percent and there’s a second partner –or a number of partners- that share […]
Business Succession Planning with Trusts

For a quick assessment of your needs – let’s talk to discuss how Trusts can help your business. Business Succession Planning with Trusts Understanding how a trust can help with your business succession is key to assuring your financial stability, both in planned transitions and unplanned transitions of your business. You may be looking ahead […]
When Is An LLC Needed

We want to help you out on your business journey and explain to you when a corporate liability shield, like an LLC or corporation is needed or not. As small business owners it can be extremely valuable to find guidance in what you should be doing for your business and when. We are going […]
How To Stop Check Kiting Scams

Check Kiting constitutes a type of bank fraud very popular before the early 2000’s. A federal regulated called Check 21 prevented most check kiting schemes since its passed in 2004. Even though not as common as it used to be, check kiting is still present in many fraudulent transactions. Here we explain to you everything there […]