When Is An LLC Needed

We want to help you out on your business journey and explain to you when a corporate liability shield, like an LLC or corporation is needed or not. As small business owners it can be extremely valuable to find guidance in what you should be doing for your business and when. We are going […]
How To Stop Check Kiting Scams

Check Kiting constitutes a type of bank fraud very popular before the early 2000’s. A federal regulated called Check 21 prevented most check kiting schemes since its passed in 2004. Even though not as common as it used to be, check kiting is still present in many fraudulent transactions. Here we explain to you everything there […]
Why Do You Need a Buy Sell Agreement Lawyer

A buy-sell agreement is a legally binding contract between the owners of a business where they agree on what happens to a partner’s shares in the event of life-changing situations that may result in chaos that could potentially ruin the business and bankrupt its owners, assuring the remaining owners that the business will carry on […]
Practicing Law Without A License

Practicing law without a license is a terrible idea that happens to some professionals, consultants or real estate agents may go over the line. Be careful when carrying out your professional relationships and know where the line is for what your jurisdiction considers the unauthorized practice of law. In this article – we cover when […]
What to Know about Good Faith or Bad Faith – an illustrated easy guide

The implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing is implied in every contract. The implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing is what makes business work. It requires people to deal with one another fairly. Businesses and people can trust each other to enter into contracts because good faith requires them to help […]